
How We Help Our Clients
“Let us save you 15 years of time and money and reveal all our best transformation strategies.”

– Corinne Soubies

Issues & Obstacles

We Help You Solve

  • You want to transform your business, organization and need an effective and sustainable execution
  • You are losing your confidence in your ability to lead your business and your results are stalled
  • You are spending way too much hours a week on your business
  • You are trading your time for money and you know you can’t get more time.

Only 1 in 4 business leaders describe their work-life balance as “Great”

  • You lack the growth and scaling tools you need
  • Your biggest stress factor is managing your financials.
Surveys show that 44% of business leaders say financial matters represent their biggest pain point
“If you are working too hard for too little money, your business model is off”

– Kane Minkus | Founder Industry Rockstar – Award-Winning Entrepreneur

“Your Leadership style will make or break your business”

What’s Wrong?

  • You believe you know what to do but you don’t succeed the execution of your strategy. You don’t have the time, the resources. You don’t have a robust roadmap, a business mentor helping you be reactive and stay focused
  • You aren’t sure what’s working. You don’t have a roadmap, a business coach helping you be reactive and stay focus
  • Invest in your future. A business is about who you are becoming
  • Let us help you grow strategically, business and personal wise. Change starts with yourself.
“May your choices reflect your hope,
not your fear”

– Nelson Mandela

Successful Outcomes

Case Study

Revenue Diversification

  • The organisation’s main source of revenues will be economic crisis. Need for future alternative revenue.
  • Clarify purpose: personal and business wise
  • Identify potential strategic options
  • Assess feasibility
  • Engage stakeholders
  • Execute the project
  • Creation of a new business line to generate new revenue
  • Mindset change: from policy maker to commercial mindset
  • New Top management roles and responsibilities
Case Study

Reputation Management

  • Reputation issues put the group at risk of losing market share (ICT Sector)
  • Stakeholders and competitors’ assessment
  • Work on the C-Suites vision, a 5-year strategy and new leadership
  • Gap analysis with current strategy
  • Design of a CSR driven strategy and execution
  • CEO and C-Suites mindset change
  • Acceptance of strengths and limitations
  • New communication style
  • New Strategy imbedding CSR executed
Case Study

Well-being Center

  • A Director in Financial Sector, yoga teacher in her free time was looking for make a living of her Yoga activity
  • Clarity, Barriers, Beliefs
  • Money relationship
  • Defining the project, Business Model
  • Feasibility study
  • Project Plan for execution stages
  • Revenue growth from 4-digit yearly revenue to 6-digit revenue
Use new strategies, new thinking, new tools.
“What got you here won’t get you there”

– Marshall Goldsmith

Get more productive, influential and happy.
Only 24% of business leaders are confident in their growth & scaling tools.
“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you”

– Bob Proctor

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